
What we can do with this oprtunity: Ivite multiple/all facebook friends to like a page
Ivite multiple/all friends to an event
Add multiple/all facebook friends as a group member
Klick all visible like buttons
Klick all add friend button Click all poke and poke back buttons
Send message to multiple/all friends
Send stickers to multiple/all friends
Post on multiple/all facebook groups
Suggest Multiple/all friendsto add another friend
Download facebook videos claim group adminship if posibile
Get public phone number of all facebook friend
Unlike multiple/all facebook pages
Lehave multiple/all facebook groups
Unfriend multiple/all friends
Unfallow multiple/all facebook pages
Unfalow multiple/all facebook groups
Unfalow multiple/all facebook friends
Backup facebook friends list
Backup facebook joined groups list
Backup liked page list.
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